Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has sought to play down the significance of alleged Labor interference in the US presidential election.
The Trump campaign has File a complaint Federal Election Commission seeks immediate investigation in Washington – Labor operations chief Sophia Patel posted on social media that she had “ten slots open” for anyone willing to travel to North Carolina to campaign for Kamala Harris, and add “We will sort your home.”
She said she had about 100 current and former party workers traveling to the United States ahead of voting day.
The LinkedIn post has now been deleted.
Under Federal Election Commission rules, foreign citizens can volunteer at U.S. campaigns as long as they are unpaid.
this Complaints from the Trump campaign Both poignant and dramatic.
“When representatives of the British government previously tried to visit the United States door-to-door, they did not end well,” it reads.
It’s a matter-of-fact reference to America’s independence some 250 years ago.
On a more contemporary issue, it demanded an “immediate investigation” into what it called “blatant foreign interference.”
“The Labor Party has volunteers,” the Prime Minister told reporters as he flew to Samoa in the South Pacific for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit. [they] Almost every election has passed.
“They do it on their own time. They do it as volunteers. I think they do it with other volunteers there.”
The Trump campaign’s letter to the Federal Election Commission also said: “The Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff Morgan McSweeney and Communications Director Matthew Doyle attended the (Democratic) convention in Chicago and met with Ms. Harris campaign team.
“Sir Keir’s director of strategy, Deborah Mattinson, also traveled to Washington in September to brief Ms Harris’s presidential campaign on Labour’s winning strategy.”
Ms Martinson no longer works for the Labor Party.
Party sources said Doyle and McSweeney attended the Democratic National Convention on their own time and their travel and lodging expenses were not paid by the Democratic Party.
It’s unclear who did it.
Asked whether the row would jeopardize his relationship with Donald Trump, the prime minister said “no” and noted that the two had dinner at Trump Tower in New York last month.
“We developed a good relationship. We thanked him for taking the time… to have that dinner,” Sir Keir said.
“We had good, constructive discussions and, of course, as Prime Minister I will work with the American people to re-elect the president in the election, which is now very close.”
Sir Keir has never met Trump’s Democratic rival, Vice President Harris.
But he has met with President Biden multiple times since becoming prime minister in July.